Nutrition Formula

Nutrition Formula

Nutrition Formula

The formula for proper, healthy nutrition is quite simple, as it includes only two components that are directly dependent on each other. Its essence is this: the energy value of food (measured in calories) must correspond to the energy expenditure of the body. Everyone knows that if a person eats a lot, but does not move much, his unspent energy turns into excess weight. This means that lifestyle, occupation, gender, physiological data, and physical activity matter in maintaining a normal weight. But everyone can follow simple rules.

So, the right, that is, balanced or rational, nutrition requires:

·         adhere to the food schedule: breakfast, light snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner. In this case, the bulk of the food should be ingested during breakfast and lunch;

·         take a break between meals no more than 3 hours;

·         take into account the energy value of the products and correctly distribute them in the nutrition schedule;

·         calculate the volume of a serving of food, observing the "plate rule": 1/4 - complex carbohydrates, 1/4 - proteins, 1/2 - vegetables, fruits, berries;

·         combine fats, proteins, and carbohydrates according to personal physical activity, do not forget about vitamins, minerals, fiber;

·         give preference to vegetables and fruits, fish, poultry, low-fat meat, seafood, low-fat dairy products, legumes, whole grains, cereals;

·         reduce the use of salt, sugar, sweets and pastries (fast carbohydrates), carbonated drinks, factory juices, alcohol;

·         stick to healthy cooking methods: steaming, stewing, cooking;

·         include nutritional supplements and dietary supplements in the diet;

·         take food only during the appearance of a feeling of hunger; Do not eat too cold and too hot food; chew thoroughly;

·         try to have dinner until 18-19 hours;

·         sleep at least 7 hours a day, avoid stress.


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